表单是任何网站都不可或缺的元素。它们可以让您收集用户信息、获得反馈,甚至捕捉潜在客户。在您的 WordPress 网站中添加表单可能会成为您开展业务的绝招。
在本指南中,我们将向您展示如何在 WordPress Gutenberg 中添加表单以及如何自定义表单。我们还将讨论创建表单的最佳实践,以收集更多线索。
在 WordPress 古腾堡中添加表单的步骤
准备好为您的 WordPress 网站添加表单了吗?我们将使用 ZoloBlocks 插件 来简化这一过程。它是用于网页设计的最佳 WordPress 插件之一,提供了大量可在网站上使用的区块。
ZoloBlocks 提供了一个非常灵活和动态的表单生成器模块,可增强网站的用户体验。它非常易于实施和定制。您可以使用 表格块 增加许多 表格类型包括联系表单、预约表单、活动登记表单、反馈表单等。
我们将详细介绍这一过程。首先,这里介绍如何开始使用 ZoloBlocks.
- 下载、安装并激活 ZoloBlocks: 首先,登录 WordPress 仪表板。导航至 插件 并点击 添加新内容 插件.在搜索栏中输入 "ZoloBlocks。“
- 找到后,点击 立即安装.安装将需要片刻时间。安装完成后,点击 激活 按钮。现在,ZoloBlocks 将出现在您的 WordPress 仪表板中,随时可以使用。
- 在古腾堡访问 ZoloBlocks: 在 Gutenberg 编辑器中打开任何页面或帖子。点击 添加区块 按钮("+"号)。向下滚动,你会在区块选项中看到 ZoloBlocks。选择它即可开始使用其功能,包括表单区块。
使用 ZoloBlocks 在 WordPress 古腾堡中添加表单
准备好添加表单了吗?请按照以下步骤使用 ZoloBlocks 在 WordPress 古腾堡中创建表格。
步骤 01:在古腾堡中打开页面或帖子
在要添加表单的地方创建一个新页面或帖子,或者在 Gutenberg 编辑器中打开一个现有的页面或帖子。向下滚动到要放置表单的位置。
步骤 02:查找并添加表单生成器区块
点击 添加区块 按钮("+"号)。在区块选项中滚动,直到找到 ZoloBlocks,或者在搜索框中搜索。找到 ZoloBlocks后,您将看到可以在网站上使用的各种区块选项。继续滚动,直到找到您要找的选项,即本例中的表单区块。
现在点击 形式 块,它就会被添加到您的网站上。最初,您会在该区块中看到三个文本字段(姓名、电子邮件、信息)和一个按钮。但它是完全可定制的,因此您可以添加任意数量的字段。您还将获得该表单块的三种预设样式。
步骤 03:自定义表单块
首先添加所需的表单字段。ZoloBlocks 提供多种字段类型,如文本字段、电子邮件字段和消息。根据您的要求配置每个字段。
增加 网站安全 为了防止垃圾邮件,您可以在表单区块中添加 Google reCaptcha。这样,当用户试图通过表单提交回复时,谷歌就能验证用户的真实性。
Make your form look great. Customize the colors, fonts, and layout to match your site’s design. Ensure that the form is easy to read and visually appealing.
Why Use Forms on Your Website?
Forms are one of the best ways to gather personal information about your customers, clients, or visitors. It allows you to collect leads that you can nurture and convert into paying clients through proper marketing.
Here are some additional benefits of using forms on your website:
Gather Valuable Information
Forms are a direct way to gather user data. You can collect email addresses, feedback, inquiries, and more. For example, a contact form on your site can help you gather customer questions and respond promptly.
Improve User Interaction
Forms make your site interactive. Users can engage with your content by filling out surveys or signing up for newsletters. According to Form Story, around 50% of marketers agree that web forms are their highest converting lead generation tool.
Increase Conversions
Forms are crucial for capturing leads. A well-placed form can convert visitors into subscribers or customers. For instance, offering a free e-book in exchange for an email address can significantly grow your email list.
Streamline Communication
Forms make it easier to manage communication. Instead of sorting through random emails, you can have structured data from forms sent directly to your inbox or CRM. This saves time and keeps your communication organized.
Best Practices for Form Creation
Creating effective forms is more than just adding fields. Follow these best practices to ensure your forms are user-friendly and effective.
- Keep It Simple: Avoid overwhelming users with too many fields. Focus on collecting essential information. A shorter form is more likely to be completed.
- Be Clear and Concise: Use straightforward language and clear instructions. Users should understand what information is required and why.
- Ensure Mobile Responsiveness: Your forms should work seamlessly on all devices. Test your forms on mobile phones and tablets to ensure they are responsive and easy to use.
- Test Your Forms: Before going live, test your forms to ensure all fields and settings work as expected. Make sure the submission process is smooth and error-free.
- Ensure Security: As you are collecting sensitive, personal information from people, you need to be transparent with them about the security of this data. You can suggest they read your privacy policy to assure them that their information will be protected.
Examples of Different Types of Forms
Seeing examples can inspire you to create better forms. Here are a few examples of effective form designs that you can use on your website.
Contact Form
A simple contact form with fields for name, email, and message. This form is straightforward and easy for visitors to use. It’s perfect for general inquiries and customer support.
Newsletter Signup
A short form asking for the visitor’s name and email address. This form can help grow your email list and keep users engaged with your content. Adding a checkbox for opting into different types of newsletters can also be beneficial.
Survey Form
A more detailed form with multiple choice questions, checkboxes, and text fields. You can use this form to gather feedback and insights from your audience. You can tailor it to collect information about user preferences, product feedback, or event evaluations.
Registration Form
A form designed for event registrations, including fields for name, email, contact number, and event-specific questions. This form can be used for webinars, workshops, or any event requiring attendee registration.
Order Form
An order form for businesses selling products or services. Include fields for product selection, quantity, customer details, and payment information. This type of form simplifies the customer purchase process.
Job Application Form
A form for collecting job applications, with fields for personal information, resume uploads, cover letters, and references. This form helps streamline the hiring process by organizing applicant information in one place.
Feedback Form
A form focused on collecting feedback from users about your website, products, or services. Include rating scales, comment boxes, and specific questions to get detailed insights.
Appointment Booking Form
A form for scheduling appointments, with fields for name, contact information, preferred appointment dates, and times. This is ideal for businesses that offer services by appointment, such as salons, clinics, and consultants.
Wrap Up
Adding forms to your WordPress site is a powerful way to engage with your audience. With ZoloBlocks and the Gutenberg editor, the process is simple and efficient.
As we’ve covered the step-by-step process to easily add a form in WordPress Gutenberg, we hope you can now add different types of forms in your website.
Start experimenting with different types of forms today. See how they can help you connect with your audience and achieve your business goals.
If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to leave a comment below. We’re here to help!
How Do Forms Benefit My Website?
Forms help you gather user information, improve engagement, capture leads, and streamline communication. They make your website more interactive and user-friendly.
Can I Customize the Form Block?
Yes, you can customize the Form Block extensively. You can add different field types, configure submission settings, and style the form to match your site’s design.
What Types of Forms Can I Create with ZoloBlocks?
You can create a variety of forms, including contact forms, registration forms, feedback forms, newsletter signup forms, and more. ZoloBlocks offers a range of field types and customization options to fit your needs.
How Do I Handle Form Submissions?
You can configure form submissions to be sent to an email address, stored in a database, or integrated with a CRM. You can show a message for each successful or failed form submission. On top of that, you can set up email notifications to alert you when a form is submitted, ensuring you never miss an important message.